kaitlin in alaska with sled dog puppy 2019

Where can I view your pricing?

I choose not to publish my pricing structure because I’ve found that, when working with custom content, there is no “one-size-fits-all” — for either the content creation or pricing.

I work with a wide variety of clients, including sole proprietors and small businesses, and I cater my services and rates to fit their needs, while still ensuring that I can pay my bills.

Shoot me a message, and we can talk project details and pricing!

How did you get started as a writer?

Really, I got my start as a reader. I would voraciously tear through books as a child, reading well above my grade level early on (like a true nerd). As I moved on to college, I knew I wanted to be able to work with words every day, in one way or another.

I also knew I never wanted to be someone who was an expert in any one subject area. I wasn’t interested in becoming an engineer, or a geologist, or a doctor, because I felt like I’d be boxed in for the rest of my life.

That said, I did end up becoming an expert in working with words! But doing so has allowed me to continue my lifelong love of reading and of learning, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

How did you come to the freelance world?

I spent the first five years of my career working a normal 9–5 and learning a great deal both about my craft and about what I could do with it. I decided to begin seriously working as a freelancer in addition to my full-time day job during the pandemic, and discovered that I love the freedom that freelancing gives me (even if it means working more hours)!

Can I pick your brain?

Absolutely! I will say, I’ll be more responsive and helpful if you have a specific question or project in mind.

If you’re looking for more of my time and attention, it’s worth setting up a consulting call.